Wednesday, May 6, 2009

NY Times Says CA Supreme Court May Rule This Week on Prop 8

From NY Times:
In California, where the State Supreme Court may rule this week on whether a voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage is constitutional, gay-rights advocates are optimistic even though many expect the ruling to uphold the ban.
I've been hearing the same thing within legal circles here in Los Angeles; however, state-wide law enforcement thinks otherwise due to the fact that many of them will be away at a convention up north in Sacramento. This will cause a decrease in available police officers to manage the protests or celebration rallies, and such events require a large force.

Either way, the court must rule by June 3rd, so the decision is coming soon.

Are you ready?

Find out what is happening in your area at Day of Decision. Click on the tag "Day of Decision" at the bottom of the post to find out more.

The Saturday following Day of Decision, massive numbers from all over the state will be converging on Fresno, CA, the heart of Yes on 8 territory for Meet in the Middle 4 Equality. Go the website and RSVP to make travel and accommodation plans.

Let's show our numbers!

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