In a horrifying yet expected move, the California Supreme Court ruled today 6-1 that Proposition 8 was valid and not to be thrown out, effectively keeping the ban on same-sex marriage in place.
Voted into law by a slim majority of state residents this past November, the court disagreed with the challenges to the initiative, stating that it was in fact an amendment and not a revision to the constitution, therefore not needing two-thirds majority approval of state congress.
However, the thin silver lining in the disappointing ruling is that the 18,000 marriages that took place during the short interim in which same-sex marriage was legal will remain valid because the court ruled against Prop 8 having retroactive power. This does leave the couples in a legal no-man's land
But this is far from over. The consensus from the California LGBT population is to submit a 2010 initiative to repeal the discriminatory Prop 8. Announcements on the next campaign from grassroots groups, who have polled their members for input on the next campaign, and large lobbying organizations working together, are expected in the next few days, possibly at the Day of Decision rallies tonight or at Meet in the Middle this Saturday in Fresno, CA.
CA Supreme Court Ruling on Prop 8 May 2009
Find out when and where the protests are taking place in you area at DayofDecision.com.
For those in Los Angeles, go to DecisionDay.org. And in the next couple hours, civil disobedience will take place in East LA. Go now! See flyer below.
If you can't go, you can find out what happens by following Unite the Fight on Twitter or watch our live video blogging of the rally here on the site.
Read the court's original May 2008 ruling legalizing same-sex marriage.
Stay tune for updates on this Saturday's massive statewide rally, Meet in the Middle 4 Equality.
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