Quite a bit of news has developed over the weekend in regards to the National Equality March, which by the way is happening this weekend in Washington DC. Here's a recap:
Congress Will Be in Session During March
Surprising his colleagues and many others in D.C., Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called off Congress' week-long recess that was planned for Columbus Day Weekend, which will make them be in session during the National Equality March after all.
The Hill reports:
Democrats at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are gripped with a renewed sense of urgency in their effort to pass healthcare reform. As the Finance Committee continued into the second week of marking up its bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) surprised colleagues on Wednesday by canceling a weeklong Columbus Day recess. Reid’s move came after White House officials publicly called on lawmakers to pass a final bill by Thanksgiving. This ambitious timetable is more than a month before the goal set by congressional leaders, which is to pass a bill by the end of the year.Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Endorses the March
More news from Sen. Reid. The following letter was sent to the organizers (click to enlarge):

Just a thought: it's great to see Reid's support and I accept it with open arms, but I couldn't help but notice that support for a DOMA repeal was missing.
Lady Gaga to Attend March
From Towleroad:
[Saturday] night, at Josh Wood's 'Get on the Bus for Equality' benefit for the National Equality March (following her SNL appearance) at Santos Party House in NYC, Lady Gaga urged the crowd to attend the March, and said that she'll be marching:
"I really believe in this cause, and as a woman in pop music I think that this is really an important weekend, and it's not a fucking joke. So get your asses to D.C. and wear something fabulous, and I'll see you guys there."
Someone could have told her it's the National Equality March, and not the Gay Pride March, but it's the action that counts...
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