“Proposition 8 not only creates a separate and unequal category for one minority group of Californians, but also creates confusion for same-sex couples who married outside of California,” said Senator Leno. “Since we cannot remedy this confusion by restoring full marriage equality for all Californians, we are forced to clarify the rights and protections afforded to these couples and their families in state law. As defined by the Court, Proposition 8 only denies same-sex couples the official designation of the term 'marriage.'”
However, supporters of Proposition 8 are having a fit over the bill.
Marc Solomon, Marriage Director for Equality California told Unite the Fight, "Our opponents are barraging the legislature, and especially the governor, with phone calls to the point where the governor's office has a phone line set up to handle calls about this bill specifically (as well as the Harvey Milk Day bill). So calls are really necessary right now!"
Another pressing issue. EQCA has learned that the Governor may use his line-item veto power to cut funding for essential HIV/AIDS health services. If he does, thousands of people will be left without the care their lives depend on. Contact the governor and urge him not to! Tell him not to “blue pencil” any funds that would support state HIV/AIDS programs.
You can take action by contacting the California legislature and Gov. Schwarzenegger and expressing your support for SB 54 through EQCA's Action Center.
Contact the legislature and the governor directly.
Gov. Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160 (new number)
Email Form
Contact your legislature
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