In the wake of the passage of Proposition 8 in California last November, myself and a number of other Stanford activists founded the National Marriage Boycott (NMB)—and are saying no to marriage altogether.
The premise is simple: until everyone in the United States who wants to get married can get married, marriage is not a right—it is a privilege founded in discrimination. And we want nothing to do with it.
By signing NMB’s online pledge, members vow not to marry until the Defense of Marriage Act—which prohibits the federal government from recognizing same-sex unions as marriages and denies same-sex couples more than 1,000 federal rights—is repealed. By also wearing an Equality Ring on their left ring finger, boycotters have the opportunity to visibly demonstrate their support for the LGBTQ community, while also engaging in the conversations which will change the hearts and minds of our opponents in this civil rights battle.

And to win this fight, we need your help! NMB is in the final days of a month-long entrepreneurship competition for $10,000 in seed funding from ideablob.com—and to win, WE NEED YOU TO VOTE.
As I write this, with only 26 hours left, we are just one vote from first place. Please, please, be that vote.
The thirty seconds it takes you to register and cast your vote could make all the difference—and will, without a doubt, affect how quickly we can take the fight for full LGBTQ rights to the national level.
Let’s make it sooner, rather than later.
To find out more about the National Marriage Boycott go to www.nationalmarriageboycott.com. Click here to sign the pledge and here to get your Equality Ring.
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