"If the state Supreme Court upholds Proposition 8... should we support going back to the ballot to restore marriage equality to California in 2010 or 2012?"
So what do you think?
Some arguments for placing a marriage equality initiative on the ballot in 2010:
- We should take advantage of the powerful grassroots activism that has emerged following the passage of Prop 8 by going back sooner rather than later. That energy will dissipate if we wait until 2012.
- By November 2010, we will have full marriage equality in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and very likely in New York and New Jersey. Given these developments, Californians should not wait beyond 2010 to try and restore the right to marry.
- In November 2010, the top of the Democratic ticket -- the gubernatorial candidate -- will support overturning Prop 8 and restoring the right to marry. In 2012, it's questionable whether President Obama will take that position.
- We have hundreds of thousands of voters to convince on the issue of marriage equality. Even if we work our hardest, it will take three-plus years to do that work.
- On this issue, time is on our side. By 2012, an even greater number of voters will have come our way. So why risk it in 2010 when we probably have a better chance in 2012.
- We will once again need tens of millions of dollars to run a strong campaign. Given the state of today's economy and the fact that people just gave so much to the No on 8 campaign, we should wait before going right back to the ballot.
DON'T FORGET! We're down to only four possible days on which the Supreme Court will rule. Check out where and when you should be for all the rallies and events!
I received all of these polls today. I'm confused, though. And I know I've missed something. Is this what the so-called "Polling Group" has come up with? Polling the activist-ish subset of the LGBT community? I hope that's not the be all and end all of it.
ReplyDeleteNo, no, it's not. There's is in-depth polling for a potential campaign/next step going on. This is their "membership polling." If you remember, many of them said in their statements that they couldn't take an official stance on WHEN the next ballot initiative would be until they polled their members. This is THAT polling. Plus, it's open to others as well.