Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New One Kalamazoo Video Showing People of Faith Support; Anti-LGBT Groups Pass Out Transphobic Flyers to Residents

The One Kalamazoo campaign is fighting the efforts of anti-LGBT groups who wish to overturn at the ballot Kalamazoo's new anti-discrimination law passed by the Michigan city's commission. The new law would make it illegal to discriminate at places of work, housing and public accommodations based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Here's their new video:

Currently, the anti-LGBT groups are playing dirty and are playing upon people's fears by passing out flyers that have pictures of transgender people. Using scare tactics, they tell residents that their children will be forced to use public accommodations sexual predators.

This tactic was used in Florida, but the residents there didn't fall for it. Hopefully Kalamazoo won't either.

Here's Kalamazoo's WOOD with a news report:

Get involved with protection LGBT citizens against discrimination by going to One Kalamazoo's website!

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