Just got the agenda. Here it is.
Process Used to Devise Agenda
· Survey went out to the participants of the Fresno Leadership Summit, the Poll4Equality group, OUTWest, Q*POC, and other places to solicit input from many parts of our movement about what should be on theagenda. Upwards of 50 people responded to the survey.
· A conference call was held on Wednesday, July 15 from to get more feedback and input on the agenda. Over 25 people representing a cross-section of groups from across the state participated.
· Several task forces were created to make recommendations about how specific portions of the potential agendamight be handled. They met between the July 15-July 20
· A group of people from the July 15th call volunteered to be on a drafting committee. Those people met on July 20th in person and on the phone to bring together the recommendations from the task forces, the input from the call, and the data from the survey to craft the proposed agenda below.
· A second conference call was held on July 22nd for anyone to give their feedback, comments, and suggest edits to the agenda proposed by the drafting committee. Those edits were sent back to the drafting committee and what you have before you is the final product of an open, transparent process.
Drafting Committee: Ari Gutierrez (Latino Equality Alliance), Chaz Lowe (Yes on Equality), David Fleck & Mike Bonin (Courage Campaign), Marc Solomon (EQCA), Robin McGehee (Meet in the Middle), Sara Reece (The Task Force), John Lewis (Marriage Equality USA), Doreena Wong (API Equality LA), Tom Watson & Lester Aponte (Love Honor Cherish), Elizabeth Gill (ACLU of Northern California), Vincent Jones (Liberty Hill), Josh Einshorn (OUTWest & Allornotall.org)
Summit Goals/Expectations
· Discuss pros & cons of various strategies to regain marriage equality
· Seek consensus on a process for the marriage equality coalition to decide which strategy to employ
· Seek consensus around a date by which the marriage equality coalition will make a decision
· Gain an understanding of how ready our movement is to wage a campaign
· Develop strategies to improve campaign readiness
· Foster community building among the movement
Summit Values
· Inclusion
· Assume that we have the same goal: regaining marriage equality
· Leave with clear next steps
· Enable community input as much as feasibly possible
Summit Agenda
10:00 Setting the Tone
10:05 Welcome
Review Goals/Expectations
Review Suggested Rules of Engagement
Review Agenda
10:20 Ballot Timeline/Process
goals: (1) educate attendees about basic process to put initiative on ballot; (2) share various thoughts about potential timelines; (3) acknowledge that more discussion is needed about which provisions to include in ballot language; (4) explain general consensus that drafting should be entrusted to a small group with specific expertise who consider community input
10:30 Voices from Experts
Goals: (1) provide attendees an opportunity to understand what benchmarks experienced campaign consultants use to determine campaign readiness; (2) provide attendees an opportunity to get an expert analysis on where we stand with those benchmarks
11:40 Voices from the Community: Get Engaged Tour Report
Goals: (1) share feedback and findings from the statewide “Get Engaged Tour”
11:55 Voices from the Field: Canvass Report
Goals: (1) Inform attendees about some ongoing canvassing operations; (2) share findings from canvassing;
12:10 Lunch
Goals: (1) facilitate networking and conversations among activists in the same region; (2) stimulate conversation about “the movement & the campaign”; (3) enable attendees to build community
12:55 Youth, families, schools & marriage equality
Goals: (1) introduce people to the particular challenges faced by youth in the movement to regain marriage equality in a manner neutral to a particular view about when to return to the ballot; (2) let attendees know how they can participate in the ongoing discussion to overcome those challenges and protect gay youth as we work to regain marriage equality
1:10 Community Decision-Making
Goals: (1) share results of community survey on potential processes/methods for the coalition to decide how/when to return to the ballot; (2) seek consensus around a date by which a decision will be made; (3) seek consensus around a process to decide when to return to the ballot as a coalition
1:55 Regaining Marriage Equality
Goals: (1) discuss pros of returning to the ballot in 2010; (2) discuss pros of other strategies to regain marriage equality; (3) gain a sense of where organizations/individuals in the marriage equality coalition stand on returning to the ballot in 2010
2:55 Final Questions
Goals: (1) enable attendees who haven’t asked questions to ask questions of any presenters from the day
3:30 Next Steps/Wrap Up
Goals: (1) Ensure that attendees are on the same page about next steps from previous conversations throughout the day; (2) Enable attendees to suggest and agree to additional next steps; (3) Provide attendees an opportunity for some group reflection over the day; (4) Tie-up any loose ends
3:55 Conclusion
Goals: (1) End on a happy note…YES WE WILL!!!;
4:00 End