NEMStudents acknowledge the historical significance of the National Equality March and of prior student movements for social justice. All students, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, are encouraged to sign the call to action. Over 100 student leaders, among them representatives of Princeton, Yale, Carnegie Mellon, Tulane University, Texas Tech, Columbia, UCLA, and NYU have signed thus far. Student organizations in all 435 congressional districts of the U.S. are organizing for the National Equality March and building a national network of student activists, indicating a distinctly bottom-up organizational structure that has been absent from many previous LGBTQ marches. The organization's website at www.NEMStudents.org offers links and resources to aid students in finding transportation, housing, and support.
NEMStudents have also announced a Student Day of Action to take place September 22. Students are urged to promote the March by flyering, organizing meetings to educate about the March, writing to campus newspapers, organizing speak-outs, and screening LGBTQ films, such as the critically acclaimed Milk.
The National Equality March will be the first march for LGBTQ rights in Washington DC since President Clinton held office, and will take place October 10-11, 2009.
For further comment, contact David Valk (National Student Outreach Coordinator) at dvalk@ucla.com or 949-350-8773.
Check out the long list of endorsements on Towleroad.
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