Taking a vacation any time soon? Want to support LGBT Mainers save their right to marry? Do both at the same time! Below is a message from the NO on 1/Protect Maine Equality campaign on how you can do just that.
The state motto for Maine is "Vacationland" and if you've ever been here, you understand why.
As the November referendum - modeled after Prop 8 - to repeal marriage equality in Maine approaches, we need to have as many volunteers on the ground as possible, and if you're thinking of coming to Maine, then now is the time to join us for a Volunteer-Vacation.
How It Works
During the month leading up to the election, the campaign will be hosting a team of highly motivated volunteers from around the country to serve as full-time volunteer campaign staff. In Maine voters will begin casting their ballots in October, so we are planning the Volunteer-Vacation to run during the entire month of October.
There are several shifts to choose from, each shift lasting one week (although you may stay longer):
- WEEK #1: Sun, Oct 4 – Sun, Oct 11 (Arrive Sat, Oct 3. Orientation Sun, Oct 4 at 1pm)
- WEEK #2: Sun, Oct 11 – Sun, Oct 18 (Arrive Sat, Oct 10. Orientation Sun, Oct 11 at 1pm)
- WEEK #3: Sun, Oct 18 – Sun, Oct 25 (Arrive Sat, Oct 17. Orientation Sun, Oct 18 at 1pm)
- WEEK #4: Sun, Oct 25 – Sun, Nov 1 (Arrive Sat, Oct 24. Orientation Sun, Oct 25 at 1pm)

The campaign will provide housing with local supporters, but you will be responsible for paying for your own travel to and from Portland, for your own food, and for local transportation. You will be trained on everything you need to know to be successful.
Your Role
Volunteer-Vacation is designed for folks who want to volunteer, full-time, to help recruit other volunteers, campaign person-to-person with voters, and to run the Get-Out-the-Vote operation necessary to win the election. You will get an intensive, hands-on chance to hone your campaign skills.
Next Steps
Go to the Volunteer-Vacation page at NO on 1 and sign up!
I signed up for week #3. Is anyone else going that week?