With the 2010 elections coming up, all 100 seats in the house are up for a vote as well as the governor's office with many gubernatorial candidates opposing marriage equality, and opposition forces hope to use the elections to get like-minded politicians in office and overturn the new law.
Yet many Iowans don't share their furor.
If a public referendum was held to ban marriage equality today, 41% would vote for the ban with 40% opposing. The remainder claimed they would not vote on it or were not sure.
35% of opponents to marriage equality strongly opposed while only 18% of supporters strongly favored.
But here's what's most striking and what could possibly be the death knell to some major talking points to anti-marriage equality forces: 92% claimed that same-sex marriage brought no real change to their lives.
63% claim candidates' stands on other issues will be more important in making their decisions in the 2010 elections.

Those these numbers don't show a majority support for marriage, it's very positive in that the anti-LGBT forces are quickly losing ground. Despite the cash flowing into Iowa, residents either don't feel marriage equality is a priority compared to other issues, or they actually support it and aren't swayed by the lies. This was proven recently with a National Organization for Marriage-backed candidate losing in a recent special election.
A recent Maine poll showed similar numbers (46% for marriage equality, 48% against), but unlike Iowa, Maine does have a public vote on their new marriage equality law coming up in November.
Help Maine protect marriage equality!
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