Attorney Thompson [for Prop 8 proponents] steps up to the plate and starts his rapid fire questioning [of Professor Lamb] again.
You are a member of the ACLU, correct?
You are a member of… asks 10 more questions about his membership.
You give money to PBS, so you are a committed liberal, correct?
Then he attacks him by saying he has no clinical experience as a psychologist, he is only a researcher?
You are not a clinical psych, never done therapy before, correct?
You have not interviewed a child for over 20 years, correct?
(DUH-That’s what graduate students and research assistants are for!)
If you look at the Homer Simpson’s of the world, they are much more likely to be men than women, correct?
Breast feeding is better for children and men can’t breast feed is that correct?
Women earn less money than men, correct?
There are differences between the earning power of gay men and lesbians, correct?
Lesbians earn less than heterosexuals, correct?
Lee Badger, (actually her name is Badgett, but badgering is what you are doing and perhaps you were thinking of another small mammal), she says contrary to popular stereotype after controlling for race, age, male couples’ income is 4% higher than heterosexuals income, and female couples is 7% lower than married couples.
Women spend money differently than men with regard to children, correct?
Gender is associated with certain occupations correct?
Gender is assoc with educational opportunities, correct?
Men are more likely to perpetrate sexual abuse than women, correct? So step-fathers are more likely to sexually and physically abuse children than mothers correct?
Men who are married are less likely to drink heavily and gamble, correct?
Just to be clear, Dr. Lamb is qualifying all of his responses with intelligent arguments that I can't capture as quickly and Thompson's statements.
[Note from UTF: Courage Campaign's Prop 8 Trial Tracker has Lamb's responses.]
“I didn’t know any of what Lamb discussed. Frankly, I don’t care about all those studies. I’m just a parent. I know what kind of job I do, I know a number of gay parents and I know what kind of parents they are. When they say gays are child molesters-- that hurts my heart.” - Billy, gay parent, father of two children.
Niko and Lorna, a multi-racial lesbian couple from San Francisco stood in line to enter the court room. The committed couple said they were there because they want to get a domestic partnership in San Francisco and found out that as a same-sex couple they had to pay $23 more than heterosexual couples applying for a domestic partnership certificate.
“Why should we have to pay more for a domestic partnership registration than straight couples?” The couple said that they were told by SF clerks that the $23 went to pay for an LGBT education fund. “Why can’t straight people pay the extra $23 for the LGBT educational fund?” I told them this was the first I ever heard of this.
Court on lunch break!
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