Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Trio of Anti-LGBT Nutballs to Hold Press Conference in Maine

UPDATE: See the press conference.

When you're struggling during a big, important battle, wouldn't you pull out all the stops? That's what Yes on 1 campaign is doing.

Three major wingnuts will be holding a press conference today in Maine at the Hall of Flags at the State House right about . . . now. (Video will be forthcoming). So who are the Three Musketeers?

Jeremy at Good as You has the scoop:
-Brian Camenker: The leader of one of only eleven organizations to be so extreme, that they've chosen by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an official anti-gay hate group.

-Peter LaBarbera: So heated in his hostility, that he sent yours truly a message a few days before his wedding for the sole purpose of condemning the upcoming nuptials.

-Paul Madore: Longtime cohort of the Christian Civic League of Maine, an organization that has gone so far as to blame LGBT progress for things like bad weather, graffiti, and economic crises.
The press release that announced the coming of the Christianists:
The Maine Grassroots Coalition will hold a press conference in the Hall of Flags at the State House in Augusta at 11:00 on Wednesday October 28th, to alert the public to the dangers of the radical homosexual agenda. The press conference will feature three well-known pro-family speakers, Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, Brian Camenker of Mass Resistance, and Maine's own Paul Madore, from the Maine Grassroots Coalition.

Paul Madore warns that clever advertising by pro-homosexual groups is trying to portray the Yes on 1 campaign as dominated by out-of-state money, when in fact, the pro-homosexual marriage campaign has raised three times more money than our side. Madore also warns that pro-homosexual marriage groups are recruiting same-sex marriage activists from around the country - including San Francisco - to take "Maine Volunteer Vacations" and campaign against our Peoples Veto.

Speakers at the press conference will expose the hidden aspects of the radical homosexual agenda, and will reveal how Maine is being manipulated into voting No on 1.
But luckily, NO on 1/Protect Maine Equality is all over it.
Jesse Connolly, the NO on 1/Protect Maine Equality campaign manager, will attend the Maine Grassroots Coalition/Stand for Marriage Maine press event this morning at the Hall of Flags in the State House. Among those attending their press event are Brian Camenker of Mass Resistance and Peter LeBarbera of Americans for Truth.

“To go on Maine television and try, in the last week of the campaign, to pivot from distorting and misleading voters to a message of tolerance just isn't believable," said Connolly. "And now they're bringing two of the most anti-gay leaders in the country to the state capital. It's really pretty shameful."
Stay tuned for video of the showdown.

GET INVOLVED! Go to NO on 1/Protect Maine Equality.

Image: From Towleroad.

1 comment:

  1. I think this shows desperation on the part of the Yes on 1 campaign. They can no longer control the campaign when these crazies come in the state. It may explain their strategy in getting the more tolerant ad on the air. They know the crazies will get out the hard-core homophobic vote, so in their official ads they go after the people on the fence who don't want to be homophobic but are not sure about marriage.
