I. 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.: Sign-in, Coffee-fueled Meet & Mingle
II. 10:00 a.m. to 10:20 a.m.: Introduction and Overview of Goals
III. 10:20 a.m. to 10:55 a.m.: Keys to a Successful Signature Gathering Campaign
- 10:20 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.: Brief Presentation
- 10:40 a.m. to 10:55 a.m.: Questions and Answers
- Choosing the Language of the Ballot Initiative
- Media and Messaging During the Signature Campaign
- Outreach to People of Color (POC) Communities During the Signature Campaign
- Partnering with Non-LGBT People and Organizations in the Signature Campaign
- Role of Visibility Events During the Signature Campaign
- Any Other Groups (Self-Chosen)
- 12:05 p.m. to 12:25 p.m.: Get Food and Commence Eating
- 12:25 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Small Groups Report to Entire Group
- 1:00 p.m. to 1:07 p.m.: Introduction by Rick Jacobs
- 1:07 p.m. to 1:37 p.m.: Presentation by Steve Hildebrand
- 1:37 p.m. to 1:55 p.m.: Questions and Answers
- Fundraising for the Signature Gathering Campaign
- Identifying and Creating Signature Gathering Events and Locations
- Recruiting, Organizing and Training Signature Gatherers Statewide
- Outreach to Religious Communities During the Signature Campaign
- Administering the Signature Campaign
- Any Other Groups (Self-Chosen)
IX. 3:20 p.m. to 3:55 p.m.: Small Groups Report to Entire Group
X. 3:55 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Closing Remarks
XI. 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Happy Hour (Networking) (Optional)
what's the latest on streaming the event? i'd like to know if tech issues are resolved and if a commitment has been made to stream the entire meeting. please give an update on this. thanks.