Monday, police chief Jeff Halstead said the officers' actions are being investigated. However, he also said that officers that entered the bar during the scheduled inspection were touched inappropriately.(View news report.)
"You're touched and advanced in certain ways by people inside the bar, that's offensive," he said. "I'm happy with the restraint used when they were contacted like that."
Eyewitnesses dispute this account.
Dan Savage has angrily responded, voicing the homophobia behind the quote:
"Them faggots in that thar bar touched mah officers and now they're complainin' about some rough stuff and one little ol' faggot with a brain injury? Those perverts should be grateful they're alive."Chad Gibson, the 26-year-old gay man, who was violently pushed against a wall and banged his head leaving a dent, is now in the hospital with a life-threatening blood clot in his brain.
ACTION: A candlelight vigil is being held tonight in front of the Rainbow Lounge in Chad's honor at 8:30pm CT.
Equality Texas has issued an urgent action call for people to sign a petition demanding an investigation into the Rainbow Lounge bar raid.
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