What was at first seen as the death knell for the bill may turn out to be its salvation. The new disputed leaders of the senate, a bipartisan coalition, Republican Sen. Dean Skelos and Democrat Sen. Pedro Espada, Jr., say a vote on the bill could come as early as next week.
Sen. Espada, who supports marriage equality, stated he didn't know what the outcome would be, but Sen. Duane, sponsor of the bill, claimed last week that he had the 32 votes needed to pass the bill.
But all of this could be a moot point as former (or legal?) Senate Majority Leader, Malcolm Smith, is arguing that the new senate leadership has wrested control illegally. If he's proven correct, he would be back in power and more than likely keep the bill from being voted on since he claims it won't pass.
Only time will tell the fate of marriage equality in New York.
Image: Democrat Sen. Pedro Espada, Jr., and Republican Sen. Dean Skelos
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